Tuesday 2 June 2015

Royal facts of the Rolls Royce....

  Why the Rolls Royce is sooooooo Royal ?!?  Here are some answers...

1. In 1906 After a record-breaking 24,000 kilometre non-stop endurance run(whoaa !!! in 1906 ! ), it earned the reputation as the BEST car in the world. 

2. There are 44000 (!!!) colors available for Phantom series which was introduced in 2003.

3. 2 Months construction = 1 Phantom Rolls Royce !!!

4. It takes the leather shop 17 days to complete a full-upholstered interior !

5. Most of the parts of Rolls Royce are analysed ( and some are even made! ) by the HANDS OF EXPERTS !!!

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