Tuesday 1 December 2015

UFO spotted in Uttar Pradesh India !?!

     After western countries and Hollywood movies now it looks like those Aliens are taking interest in Asian countries ! 
            Moreover now it is India , Utter Pradesh, a city Gorkhapur. Locals are claiming that they have sighted UFO have clicked the pics !!!
            More or less , these pics are looking believable and are sent for verification. People are also claiming of UFO in Lucknow , Kanpur and Delhi region also ! 
               The last question arising once again is......is there any extraterrestrial life ? Have look at those pics and what you think.....are they here ?

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Sunday 25 October 2015

NASA to send Humans on the MARS !!!

   Yes ! This could be the next step of NASA towards the Mars , the amazing planet which is the center of attraction for us. 
      Recently the design of NASA's future monster rocket ( Space Launch System ) has passed its last critical design test and is ready for manufacturing by engineers ! In simple words , NASA is thinking that , with this new design they will be able to send human beings in the deep space ( just like in the film Interstellar ! ) upto the Mars in hunt of life !
       Well.....till date only the design has passed the test....still manufacturing and assembly is remaining....which will be ready till 2017 for its final review !  
        NASA's engineers have upgraded the final design with proper features and they are aiming to be on the Mars in year 2030 !

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Wednesday 7 October 2015

When Ratan TATA purchased the whole JAGUAR and LAND ROVER COMPANY !!!

     "Success is the greatest revenge !" is proven by Ratan Tata in 2008. Very few of us might be knowing that the iconic car brand Jaguar and Land Rover is owned by Indian Businessman Ratan Tata from 2008 ! The story behind it is more interesting than this fact. It started from 1998

         The 1998 passenger car launch -   

                 Ratan Tata decided to launch his FIRST passenger cars in 1998 , the famous Indian car , Tata Indica , which was initially a super failure !
          People started advising to sell the passenger car unit and come back to traditional business and Tata agreed ! He put a proposal to the passenger car brand FORD to purchase his unit. 

         The Refuse !

                 Ratan Tata went to Ford headquarter in Detroit along with his close members and representatives. The meeting took 3 Hours and Ford company started INSULTING those TATA representatives ! 
                The chairman Bill Ford said to Ratan Tata , "why did you enter in the passenger car business when you were not knowing of it. It will be favor if we buy this business from you". Of course it was a pretty insulting talk which made Tata upset and hence he came back to home WITHOUT any deal !

        Continued with the failure... -

                 Though the Tata Indica was a failure initially , Ratan Tata decided to continue with it ! With more experience he and his team did much better in passenger cars and finally Indians liked the car and the brand much famous than Tata ever thought !  

        Bankruptcy of FORD !

                   Here in this period the Ford company started testing failure ! In 2008 Ford was on its way of bankruptcy ! The condition was so bad that the company was ready to sell a part of it ! 

        The Final Deal...

             Finally TATA offered a deal to FORD ! Bill Ford reached " Bombay House " , the Headquarter of Tata Group to sell their iconic brand Jaguar and Land Rover ! The deal was finalized for $2.3 Billion ( about 9300 Crores that time ! ) and Tata brought the OWNERSHIP of JAGUAR and LAND ROVER.
     In the meeting, Bill Ford said to Ratan Tata, ” You are doing a big favor for us by buying Jaguar- Land Rover”.

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Tuesday 29 September 2015

NASA confirmed WATER on MARS !!!

     Amazingly the water on Mars is CONFIRMED ! This is an indirect confirmation of either pre-existing or the coming life on the Red Planet !New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars. 

NASA said , 
     Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb and flow over time. They darken and appear to flow down steep slopes during warm seasons, and then fade in cooler seasons. They appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 Celsius), and disappear at colder times.
          These downhill flows, known as recurring slope lineae (RSL), often have been described as possibly related to liquid water. The new findings of hydrated salts on the slopes point to what that relationship may be to these dark features.......

        So with these amazing findings we may except living beings on the Mars in upcoming years !

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Source - http://mars.nasa.gov/news/whatsnew/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=1858

What is Volkswagen's pollution scam exactly ? Here are all answers !

    The car brand Volkswagen is in neck deep problem in today's scenario...the reason behind it is also a solid one. The company is caught in the scam of using wrong ways for pollution control and moreover they sold faulty cars equipped with those problems ! 
        Volkswagen, the world's largest automaker by sales in the first half of this year, said it had halted all diesel vehicle sales in the United States during a probe into the scandal, which could lead to fines of more than $18 billion (Rs. 1189260000000/-   !!!!).

What happened exactly ? - 

 1) Volkswagen equipped about 48,2000 Cars in US with sophisticated software which turn on all pollution control only when the car is under pollution testing !!! It used to turn OFF the pollution controls when the car is being driven. It is known as 'defeat device' which ultimately led to increase of about 40% pollution in atmosphere !

2) The faulty equipment is also fitted in Audi cars also leading to the same problem in the famous luxury brand AUDI also !!! ( Audi manufacturing comes under the same company Volkswagen )

3) VW shares down a further 20 percent on the Frankfurt stock exchange Tuesday, after they lost 17 percent the day before.

4) Volkswagen AG group company Audi has said that 2.1 million cars worldwide were fitted with the software that allowed parent Volkswagen to cheat US emission tests.  

The CEO of Volkswagen gave resignation after the scam !!!

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Source - http://www.nation.co.ke/business/Volkswagen-admits-to-pollution-cheating-device/-/996/2881116/-/jdbj6xz/-/index.html

Thursday 24 September 2015

Man Survived for 9 Days by eating PAPER and MUD in the collapsed tunnel ! It happened in Bislapur !

    These are the real efforts when it is the life which is in danger......It happened in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh following a mammoth nine-day rescue operation when a Tunnel under construction COLLAPSED !!!  Satish Tomar and Mani Ram reported for their duty on September 12 , on hearing the thundering crash at 8.20pm, they instinctively ran towards the tunnel entrance, only to find a wall of debris blocking their path.  
                Without losing hopes , they started collecting everything they could get 150 feet below the mountain !!! Satish Tomar said , "We collected water in a pipe by blocking its ends, but used it sparingly as we thought it could take up to a month to get rescued. We also turned the air pipe supplying oxygen towards our sleeping area so that lack of oxygen did not impact our health." , further he said that they collected papers, cardboards and soft soil to help their hunger!!! They took out diesel from a machine in the tunnel to make a torch with it and gunny bags !!! 
                Really , a fantastic effort which will make even the death to run away ! In the end , they were rescued after 9 days of efforts ALIVE !!!

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Saturday 19 September 2015


           Isn't it a cool idea to reduce the pollution to make a LORD GANESH IDOL with CHOCOLATE !!! In India , the Ganeshotsav ( Ganesh Festival ) is one of the most important festival....but it causes high water pollution because after 10 days of festival the idol is rinsed in water.
         Rintu Kalyani Rathod is a baker from Mumbai and has come up with a very innovative and noble way of celebrating Ganesh Visarjan. She made a Ganesh Idol with Chocolate and moreover she will perform VISARJAN in MILK and will feed it to the underprivileged CHILDREN !!!
                         This is really a very nice idea which shows true celebration of this festival !

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Tuesday 15 September 2015

'BOSS' the Windows replacing O.S. is being launched by Indian Government !!!

   Yes Boss , here is the BOSS by Indian Government , yet another example of project Make In India ! Indian Govt is planning to launch the BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) operating system which is supposed to replace the existing Microsoft Windows OS in Govt Computers !
           The BOSS is initially developed long back in 2007 by National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software (NRCFOSS) which is free and open source operating system.
   The latest version of BOSS, which has been improved by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) has passed all tests of attacks during the trial period.
            In coming future , Indian Govt might think to develop it further advanced versions and ready to use for ministry.

The Interface could be like this - 

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Source - http://www.storypick.com/boss-indian-os/

Wednesday 9 September 2015

PORCHE Car v/s HELICOPTER Race !!! Who will win !?!


    We have seen the Race in Super Cars ! , but have you ever thought what will happen if one of the rival is in the air !?!  The same happened here , they made to race a HELICOPTER with a PORCHE and what happened next is in the video !!! Watch it out ! The results are amazing !

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For Those who cant's afford Video Streaming.....Porche is faster than Helicopter here !

Friday 4 September 2015

An IIT Engineer stole a HARLEY DAVIDSON saying he is going for a TEST RIDE !!! Caught by Police !

        It happened like , a person came in the showroom of Harley Davidson , asked for a TEST RIDE , took the bike and NEVER CAME BACK !!! 
         Turlapati Kiran, 27, an IIT-Madras graduate currently working as an executive engineer with the ONGC off shore site in Mumbai went to Harley Davidson showroom , took the bike for test ride and flew away....according to Indiatimes it happened exactly this way ! 
           Afterall , the Harley Davidson bike posses the style that anyone can go crazy for it !!!

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Source - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/man-who-rode-off-with-the-harley-davidson-bike-in-hyderabad-is-an-iit-graduate-244870.html

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Google's LOGO CHANGED for 7th time!!! Watch out the new one and all previous!

   This is the time when Google changes its logo 7th time ! This is the new awesome logo of Google which will be associated with all Google's products ! The logo is pleasant looking and the company said that the logo represents the way the Google interacts with users !
                  After being included in the company Alphabet , this is the major change in Google !

Here are previous logos -

Sunday 30 August 2015

Johny Lever used to SELL pens!! Nawazuddin Siddiqui once worked as a WATCHMAN !!! Here are others -

 Who said that famous and great people always starts from the grand beginning ?!? Here are some famous actors who were at the position that you must know to value what they are now ! 
1] Johny Lever - 

              Johny Lever is the evergreen comedy actor of bollywood , and without him most of the comedy films were never possible which we are enjoying now , but do you know 
    Johny once used to SELL PENS on streets ! 
   He quit his education only after 7th standard !
   He worked in Hindustan Lever td and took his name LEVER from it !!!

 2] Nawazuddin Siddiqui -

                Just watched 'Manzi' and felt that , ' acting ho to Nawazuddin Siddiqui jaisi ! ' , but do you know, 
       Nawazuddin Siddiqui  worked as a WATCHMAN due to lack of money !
       He born in farmer's family and raised with 8 people , had no Theater in village !
       Worked in his first film in 1999 (!!!) but got the fame after about 10 years !
    Yet he is one of the best actor who won the NATIONAL AWARD !

3] Rajnikanth - 

              Rajnikanth's story is really unique ! Shivaji Rao Gaikwad (the original name of Rajni !) was a BUS CONDUCTOR in Banglore Transport Service ! He also did some odd jobs like carpenter and coolie....and now he is THE SUPERSTAR RAJNI !

4] Boman Irani - 

                Boman Irani , another famous and versatile actor , once worked as a waiter in The Taj !
   He used to sell wafers in his mother's bakery !

5] Amitabh Bacchan - 

                Amitabh Bacchan was rejected by 2 radio stations , saying his voice is IRONIC and UNSUITABLE for their work !!! He gave 12 floopppss before the blockbuster ZANJEER ! 

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Source - http://www.storypick.com/inspiring-stories-bollywood/

Saturday 29 August 2015

Now a Rs.125 COIN to mark Dr. Ambedkar's 125th Anniversary...

 Every Indian knows and every Indian follows the thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. On 14th April we celebrate the Anniversary of the great person. Now for coming year to make his 125th anniversary more remarkable , Indian Government have decided to launch a COIN of Rs. 125 !!! 
   The design of the unique coin is still under consideration , but the coin will be surely a unique , grand and special one , with an image of Babasaheb Ambedkar sir! 

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Source - http://maharashtratimes.indiatimes.com/nation/rs-125-coin-to-mark-bhim-rao-ambedkars-125th-birth-anniversary/articleshow/48719813.cms

Thursday 27 August 2015

30 vacancies of PEON and 75000 Applicants !!! Engineers were also among applicants !

Amazed !!! This shows the peak of unemployment in India ! It happened when there was 30 vacant posts of Peon ( Grade - D ) in Directorate of Economics and Statistics of the Chattisgarh government and applications were 75000 which also included Engineers too (!!!). The unexpected response lead the organizers to cancel the exam schedule dated on 30 August !
          Out of 75000 applications , about 70000 were given online and remaining 5000 were given thorough post! 
          This shows how the unemployment is being the greatest issue in India. Finally the exam was postponed and will be taken after about 1 month !

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Monday 24 August 2015

USAIN BOLT won the running race by MARGIN OF 0.01 seconds !!! He won Gold medal beating Justin Gatling...

 The fastest running human set a unique record in his Gold winning race...he won the race by thinnest difference of time with his competitor Justin Gatlin....moreover the difference is of nearly 0.01 seconds !!!
With winning the race he won the World Championship third time ! 
        Usain Bolt has now proved himself to be the top player for the Olympics next year as he has proved that it is nearly impossible to beat him !!!

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Source - http://www.mensxp.com/special-features/today/27398-usain-bolt-wins-gold-at-world-championships-by-thinnest-of-margins-stuns-everyone.html

Friday 21 August 2015

Kumbh Mela is Better Organised Than FIFA 2014 !!! Harvard University's research will make you amaze !

  Kumbh Mela is the really grand religious mega festival in India which is celebrated once in 12 years!!! Now Harvard University found it be BETTER ORGANISED THAN THE FIFA 2014 ( of course it is world's grand competition!!!). 
       ‘Kumbh Mela – Mapping the Ephemeral Megacity’ is a 449 page book produced by scholars in Harvard University have declared this amazing result !

Amazing facts of Kumbh Mela - 

1. More than 100 Million (10,00,000) Population come and stay together for about 55 days !
2. It is celebrated from 664 AD !
3. Approx. 146 million (145,736,764) text messages are sent and received !
4. Approx. 245 million (245,252,102) calls are made !

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Source - http://www.storypick.com/kumbh-better-than-fifa/

Thursday 20 August 2015

Search Engine which is MORE ACCURATE than Google !!! It is made by a 16 Yrs old guy !

  Woow ! Google got someone who is CHALLENGING them(and of course their Prestige!)  directly !!! Anmol Tukrel - an Indian origin guy who is only 16 yrs old (!!!) has developed his OWN search engine .... and moreover he claimed that , his search engine is 47% MORE ACCURATE than Google also ! Anmol has just completed his 10th Grade and with the help of python language base , he developed his OWN search engine to submit it as a project in Google Science Fair.
          Now consider if he is right , then it will be a great invention and upgrade for Google as well as for us !

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Source - http://www.mensxp.com/special-features/today/27359-16yearold-indian-origin-teen-comes-up-with-a-search-engine-thats-47-more-accurate-than-google.html

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Give Garbage - Get FREE Wi- Fi !

     Have you ever thought of making our society clean ? Have you ever took initiative to add cleanliness as a behavior in our life ? All of us most of the time only think , but never take any decision over it ! But some people did it and came up with a CRAZY idea which will indirectly force you to keep your society clean !

     From Mumbai Prateek Agarwal and his partner Raj Desai travelled many regions like Denmark , Singapore etc. and realised that we Indians are lagging in cleanliness.....they also spotted a thread that Internet is now being a daily need in the life of every Indian and finally they came up with the relation between GARBAGE and INTERNET !!!
           Prateek Agrawal and his colleague developed a 'Wi-Fi Trash Bin' and here is its working-


  The Trash bin is placed in the area where Wi-Fi hotspot is available but is protected with code. When you will dump the Garbage in the Trash Bin , it will show you a unique code by using which you will be able to access the Internet via Wi-Fi for free ! So if you want more internet , dump more garbage in the bin ! Thats it , you will indirectly keep your society CLEAN !!! 

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Source - http://www.ibnlive.com/news/tech/dump-trash-into-dustbin-to-get-free-wifi-1046768.html

Friday 14 August 2015

Pizza which costs ₹1,60,000 !!! Here are some of the most Expensive dishes -

    Ever thought of enjoying Pizza worth ₹1,60,000 !?! Yes...the world is with a lot of ordinary things which are made extraordinarily !!! Food is also not an exception....
         Margo's...the famous Pizza maker in Malta...offers a Pizza worth ₹1.6 lakhs ($2460) ! Moreover they require one week notice prior to make the Pizza ready to serve ! The Pizza is available only from October to May !

The list of expensive food is counting ! Here are some of them which will make a hole not only in your pocket but also in your bank account !!!

1) A Cupcake that costs ₹48,725 at Venetian & Palazzo and consists of edible Golden flakes !

 2) Ice cream worth ₹65,000 in The Golden Opulence     Sundae , New York City needs prior notice of 2 days !

 3) The McDonald's Burger of whooopppinngg ₹3.2 lakhs (yes you read it right !) in Las Vegas restaurants !!!

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See More - http://www.scoopwhoop.com/inothernews/most-exotic-foods/?ref=social&type=fb&b=0

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Sundar Pichai's salary - 320 Crores per annum !!! The Google's new Indian CEO is among the top CEOs ! See here the others -

   Its our specialty....we Indians rock in all fields ! Technical field is also not exception to it ! Google selected Sundar Pichai as its new CEO and for the work he is being paid about Rs. 3236422500/- (320 Crores!) per annum !   Now with this amount Sundar Pichai is one of the top paid CEOs among the WORLD !!! He is an IITian , passed from IIT Kharagpur India ! He played major role in Android development as well as Google Drive....Considering his accountable work...Now he is the CEO of Google !!!

Some other INDIAN CEOs and their approximate Salaries - 

1) Satya Nadella ( CEO of Microsoft )- 
         Of course he is at THE TOP position in the list !
    Salary - $84.3 million (Rs.5453910735/-)

2) Indra Nooyi ( CEO of PepsiCo )

       Salary - $19.08 million (Rs.1234408266/-)

3) Shantanu Narayen ( CEO Adobe )-

         Salary - $17.89 million (Rs.1158197705/-)

  And many more !!!

Source - http://www.allindiascoop.com/2015/08/12/sundar-pichai-salary-in-indian-rupees-sundar-pichai-wife-sunday-pichai-wiki/

Monday 10 August 2015

The Smartphone Truely MADE IN INDIA !!!The specifications will blow your mind !!!


   Now we have got a place in the race of making hi-fi smartphones at really reasonable price !!! 
    The world record breaking company Xiaomi have just launched its TRUELY MADE IN INDIA SMARTPHONE....Xiaomi Redmi Prime 2 ! The phone is manufactured at Sri City in Andhra Pradesh which is set up in an exclusive partnership with Foxconn, and is Xiaomi's second plant outside of China !!! 
  See below for specifications - 

The key specifications at the pricetag of ₹6,999 are - 

1. RAM - 2 Gb ! (Most of PCs have the same !)
2. INTERNAL - 16 Gb !!!
3. SIM - Dual 4G LTE sim !
4. PROCESSOR - 64-bit 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor ( Budget laptops have similar speed!)

And also ,
8-megapixel rear camera along with a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It supports expandable storage via microSD card (up to 32GB). A 2200mAh battery.

Buy Redmi 2 Prime Now ! -

Friday 7 August 2015

NASA shows the DARK side of THE MOON which was never seen yet!!!

  Nature always have a DARK side with it....of course the Moon is not exception ! We can never observe this dark side of the Moon by our naked eyes (and also by telescopes ! ) from the Earth......then NASA got the solution ! NASA's satellite, stationed a 1609344 km away from the Earth successfully captured the dark side of the moon and THIS IS IT...just BELOW here !

See More - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/our-moon-does-a-pink-floyd-reveals-its-dark-side-for-all-to-see-243866.html

A Crab spotted on the Mars?!?

 Is there a CRAB on the MARS ?!? Amazed? Yes but the following pics of MARS clearly shows certain Crab like structure on it !!! NASA recently released a photograph of Mars.....after certain observations by many teams who have belief on existence of Aliens... grabbed a Crab in the pic !!!    
          Still there is no sure information of such a living thing over there and some scientists are saying its a psychological phenomenon pareidolia — where the mind being stimulated to see things that do not exist. 
Lets send the Curiosity Rover again there and fulfill our Curiosity !

See More - http://www.businessinsider.com/crab-shaped-object-photographed-on-mars-2015-8?IR=T

Tuesday 4 August 2015

US asks ISRO to HELP THEM for launching satellite !!! Once they had made fun of ISRO !

  Once they made fun of us and now we have a chance of making the same of US !!! Amazingly the US asks  for ISRO's help for launching their satellite ! 
  ISRO has a track record of launching satellites for 19 countries including space-faring nations, but this is the first time the US is asking US for THEIR HELP !!! This time of course ISRO is helping them....(without making fun of course!)..

See More - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/after-making-racist-jibes-at-indias-mom-us-asks-for-isros-help-for-launching-its-satellite-243772.html

In this way they had made fun of us....

The World's LARGEST UMBRELLA is in China ! Made Guinness World Record !

 Manufacturing is the key success of China , and it is again proved by them by making the Word's Largest Umbrella ever made !!! 
   The previous record was of India and now its of China by making an Umbrella of around 23 meters in diameter and 14.4 meters in height ! The umbrella weighs whopping 5.7 tonnes (5,700 kg) and standing in a plaza covers an area of 418 square meters ! Have a look at its pic and you will get the idea of the world record it holds...

See More - http://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-china-breaks-india-s-guinness-record-for-largest-umbrella-2110800

Friday 31 July 2015

KIDNEY and LIVER transported by a SPECIAL AIRCRAFT of Indian Air Force to save our JAWANS !

   That is the spirit we indians have ! Indian Air Force recently saved life of a 56-year-old ex-serviceman with liver cancer and jawan with kidney failure by transporting kidney and liver with a special aircraft !!! 
It took about one and half hour to reach from Pune to Delhi where the surgery was performed !
      In the end....the hard work did its work and the life of both militants was saved.

See More - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/indian-air-force-saves-two-lives-transports-a-kidney-and-liver-from-pune-to-delhi-via-special-aircraft-243647.html

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Tributes to APJ Abdul Kalam Sir...some facts you must know about his life....

 We have lost our Wings of Fire.....It is a major loss of our nation , our youth and all of us who are following thoughts of APJ Abdul Kalam. We all are knowing APJ Abdul Kalam sir as a Missile Man and our former president but have you ever read about his history and the conditions from which he became what he was....

1.Abdul Kalam used to distribute newspapers after his school just to support adverse economical conditions in home.

2.APJ Abdul Kalam was recipient of 40 Honorary PhD (i.e. Doctorates)  from universities all over the world.

 3. Kalam was recipient of Padma Bhushan , Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna.

4. India owes its development as a nuclear nation to Kalam's organizational and technical support for Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998. 

5.His autobiography Wings of Fire: An Autobiography, first published in English, has been translated into 13 languages including French and Chinese.

6.Born on 15 October, 1931, in a Tamil Muslim family to a boat owner, Jainulabudeen, and Ashiamma, a housewife, in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu, Kalam's childhood was not easy and privileged.

7.He was addressing IIM students before the heart attack at Shilong , he always loved students.

8.He put the vision of making our India a developed country upto 2020..the Mission 2020.