Tuesday 29 September 2015

NASA confirmed WATER on MARS !!!

     Amazingly the water on Mars is CONFIRMED ! This is an indirect confirmation of either pre-existing or the coming life on the Red Planet !New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars. 

NASA said , 
     Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb and flow over time. They darken and appear to flow down steep slopes during warm seasons, and then fade in cooler seasons. They appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 Celsius), and disappear at colder times.
          These downhill flows, known as recurring slope lineae (RSL), often have been described as possibly related to liquid water. The new findings of hydrated salts on the slopes point to what that relationship may be to these dark features.......

        So with these amazing findings we may except living beings on the Mars in upcoming years !

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Source - http://mars.nasa.gov/news/whatsnew/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=1858

What is Volkswagen's pollution scam exactly ? Here are all answers !

    The car brand Volkswagen is in neck deep problem in today's scenario...the reason behind it is also a solid one. The company is caught in the scam of using wrong ways for pollution control and moreover they sold faulty cars equipped with those problems ! 
        Volkswagen, the world's largest automaker by sales in the first half of this year, said it had halted all diesel vehicle sales in the United States during a probe into the scandal, which could lead to fines of more than $18 billion (Rs. 1189260000000/-   !!!!).

What happened exactly ? - 

 1) Volkswagen equipped about 48,2000 Cars in US with sophisticated software which turn on all pollution control only when the car is under pollution testing !!! It used to turn OFF the pollution controls when the car is being driven. It is known as 'defeat device' which ultimately led to increase of about 40% pollution in atmosphere !

2) The faulty equipment is also fitted in Audi cars also leading to the same problem in the famous luxury brand AUDI also !!! ( Audi manufacturing comes under the same company Volkswagen )

3) VW shares down a further 20 percent on the Frankfurt stock exchange Tuesday, after they lost 17 percent the day before.

4) Volkswagen AG group company Audi has said that 2.1 million cars worldwide were fitted with the software that allowed parent Volkswagen to cheat US emission tests.  

The CEO of Volkswagen gave resignation after the scam !!!

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Source - http://www.nation.co.ke/business/Volkswagen-admits-to-pollution-cheating-device/-/996/2881116/-/jdbj6xz/-/index.html

Thursday 24 September 2015

Man Survived for 9 Days by eating PAPER and MUD in the collapsed tunnel ! It happened in Bislapur !

    These are the real efforts when it is the life which is in danger......It happened in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh following a mammoth nine-day rescue operation when a Tunnel under construction COLLAPSED !!!  Satish Tomar and Mani Ram reported for their duty on September 12 , on hearing the thundering crash at 8.20pm, they instinctively ran towards the tunnel entrance, only to find a wall of debris blocking their path.  
                Without losing hopes , they started collecting everything they could get 150 feet below the mountain !!! Satish Tomar said , "We collected water in a pipe by blocking its ends, but used it sparingly as we thought it could take up to a month to get rescued. We also turned the air pipe supplying oxygen towards our sleeping area so that lack of oxygen did not impact our health." , further he said that they collected papers, cardboards and soft soil to help their hunger!!! They took out diesel from a machine in the tunnel to make a torch with it and gunny bags !!! 
                Really , a fantastic effort which will make even the death to run away ! In the end , they were rescued after 9 days of efforts ALIVE !!!

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Saturday 19 September 2015


           Isn't it a cool idea to reduce the pollution to make a LORD GANESH IDOL with CHOCOLATE !!! In India , the Ganeshotsav ( Ganesh Festival ) is one of the most important festival....but it causes high water pollution because after 10 days of festival the idol is rinsed in water.
         Rintu Kalyani Rathod is a baker from Mumbai and has come up with a very innovative and noble way of celebrating Ganesh Visarjan. She made a Ganesh Idol with Chocolate and moreover she will perform VISARJAN in MILK and will feed it to the underprivileged CHILDREN !!!
                         This is really a very nice idea which shows true celebration of this festival !

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Tuesday 15 September 2015

'BOSS' the Windows replacing O.S. is being launched by Indian Government !!!

   Yes Boss , here is the BOSS by Indian Government , yet another example of project Make In India ! Indian Govt is planning to launch the BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) operating system which is supposed to replace the existing Microsoft Windows OS in Govt Computers !
           The BOSS is initially developed long back in 2007 by National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software (NRCFOSS) which is free and open source operating system.
   The latest version of BOSS, which has been improved by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) has passed all tests of attacks during the trial period.
            In coming future , Indian Govt might think to develop it further advanced versions and ready to use for ministry.

The Interface could be like this - 

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Source - http://www.storypick.com/boss-indian-os/

Wednesday 9 September 2015

PORCHE Car v/s HELICOPTER Race !!! Who will win !?!


    We have seen the Race in Super Cars ! , but have you ever thought what will happen if one of the rival is in the air !?!  The same happened here , they made to race a HELICOPTER with a PORCHE and what happened next is in the video !!! Watch it out ! The results are amazing !

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For Those who cant's afford Video Streaming.....Porche is faster than Helicopter here !

Friday 4 September 2015

An IIT Engineer stole a HARLEY DAVIDSON saying he is going for a TEST RIDE !!! Caught by Police !

        It happened like , a person came in the showroom of Harley Davidson , asked for a TEST RIDE , took the bike and NEVER CAME BACK !!! 
         Turlapati Kiran, 27, an IIT-Madras graduate currently working as an executive engineer with the ONGC off shore site in Mumbai went to Harley Davidson showroom , took the bike for test ride and flew away....according to Indiatimes it happened exactly this way ! 
           Afterall , the Harley Davidson bike posses the style that anyone can go crazy for it !!!

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Source - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/man-who-rode-off-with-the-harley-davidson-bike-in-hyderabad-is-an-iit-graduate-244870.html

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Google's LOGO CHANGED for 7th time!!! Watch out the new one and all previous!

   This is the time when Google changes its logo 7th time ! This is the new awesome logo of Google which will be associated with all Google's products ! The logo is pleasant looking and the company said that the logo represents the way the Google interacts with users !
                  After being included in the company Alphabet , this is the major change in Google !

Here are previous logos -